3E9's battle field.

Yishun Secondary, 2010 batch.
33 students army in this Family.
Commander: Mr Fahmy, Miss Amanda, Miss Goh.

8th April

Welcome to 3E9's new blog. :D
Do keep it alive, and do mug hard for MYE too.
Left with less than 4 weeks, do spend time wisely.
Prove those people who look down on our class wrong.
Please commit your best in any activities.
There's an up coming Cleanest Classroom Competition.
More notice will be on the class notice board.
Do help us as much as you can.
Hope we will win something this time.
Make Mr Fahmy and Miss Amanda proud. :D

Those who want to post in this class blog can leave a tag with your blogger email, and i'll invite you as author.

Lixian 8)